Bible Response

...collating a biblical response to today's issues.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

- Matthew 24:35 ESV

Biblically Based

We collate responses to current issues which specifically set out to understand the issue in the light of God's Word.


Coming out of an Anglican (UK) tradition, Biblical accuracy is placed above denomination.

Aggregation Platform

We pull together views from respected and experienced theologians, clerics and commentators, all bringing a biblical perspective to an issue.


Scripture contains all things 'necessary to salvation', with the consequence that whatever 'is not read therein, nor may be proved thereby, is not to be required of any Man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith or be thought requisite and necessary for salvation'. - Article 6 (CofE)

In a world where fact is increasingly adjusted to provide the desired result with little regard for veracity, it is hard as Christians to know the real truth. Bible Response aims to collate biblical responses to those issues. Returning to the bible brings us back to God's eternal truth, it is only by starting with His truth that we can accurately understand the issues we see on a daily basis.

Summary of highlighted issues.

Debate on God's gender.

For decades now there has been a debate on the gender of God, brought to the fore by the Church of England in 2023

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Bible Response

...collating a biblical response to today's issues.